
Scoring is the process of transforming the generated evaluations and hints into marks for the student. This process is defined in the scoring model, which defines how many marks are awarded to a (type of) interaction, whether marks are subtracted for mistakes in the derivation or for the use of hints and any other requirements that might apply.

A scoring model can be configured by Algebrakit for your learning resources, or you can choose the standard scoring model which is defined as follows:

  • Every interaction is awarded 1 mark.
  • No penalties are applied for hints or errors.
  • Marks for an exercise are determined by adding the marks for each interaction inf the exercise.

To apply a scoring model, the scoring model name must be supplied when creating a new session.

The scoring results can be obtained from the web service, using get score, or in the front end through various events. The following information is generated for each interaction:

    finished: <boolean>
    marksEarned: <number>
    marksTotal: <number>
    penalties: {
        marksPenalty: <number>
        hintsRequested: <number>
        mathErrors: <number>
        notationErrors: <number>
Property Description
finished Indicates whether the interaction was finished or given up.
marksEarned The number of marks awarded to the student, taking into account any penalties. Marks are not earned until the interaction is finished.
marksTotal The maximum number of marks that can be awarded for this interaction.
marksPenalty The number of marks that is subtracted due to penalties.
hintsRequested The number of times the student requested a hint.
mathErrors The number of incorrect inputs given by the student, which are not notational errors.
notationErrors The number of inputs that are not valid math syntax.