Theme Customization

The appearance of the Algebrakit's widgets can be customized using the styles property in the AlgebraKIT javascript object

This property needs to be added to the config in the AlgebraKIT object on page initialization. The styles are only loaded once. For example

var AlgebraKIT = {
    config: {
        /* Other configuration properties */
        styles: {
            general: {
                'color-primary': '#2C5F2D',
                'color-secondary': '#97BC62FF',
            'formula-editor': {
                'color-sub-palette': '#576957'

Will result in the following appearance for the formula editor:

The options in general will be applied to all widgets, while the options in formula-editor will only be applied to the akit-formula-editor components. color-sub-palette in the akit-formula-editor object is an option that only exists for the formula editor but all options that can be used in general can also be used here. The section below lists all available options for general and for all specific widgets.

Styling the question components

All properties that can be used for styling are shown below. The default value applies to the akit default theme


Contains styles that will be applied to all widgets.

Property Description Default
font-general Font for regular text "'Lato', sans-serif"
border-radius General border radius for UI elements "4px"
border-radius-buttons Border radius for button elements "4px"
border-radius-form-controls Border radius of form elements, such as input fields "4px"
color-primary The primary UI color "#336699"
color-secondary The secondary UI color "#009fe3"
color-tertiary The teriary UI color "#edc951"
color-main-fg The foreground (text) color of regular text "#333333"
color-error The foreground (text) color of error messages "darkred"
color-error-detail The foreground (text) color of the subcaption of error feedback "initial"
color-error-bg The background color for errors "#fff0f0"
color-strategy-error The foreground (text) color for a "strategy error" "#orange"
color-strategy-error-bg The background color for a "strategy error" "#eff7fc"
color-correct The color for icons indicating a "correct" or "finished" response "green"
color-true-expression The color for icons indicating a "true expression" response "gray"
color-hint The foreground (text) color for a hint "#0b99bc"
color-hint-detail The foreground (text) color of the subcaption of a hint "initial"
color-hint-bg The background color for a hint "#f4fbff"
color-input Color for input fields "#eeeeee"
font-buttons Font used in buttons "Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
font-size-buttons "initial"
font-weight-buttons "initial"
text-transform-buttons Text transform applied to buttons "initial"
border-radius-buttons Border radius for button elements "4px"
border-buttons-primary Border of a primary button "1px solid #2e6da4"
border-buttons-primary-hover Border of a primary hovered button "1px solid #204d74"
border-buttons-default Border of a non-primary button "1px solid #cccccc"
border-buttons-default-hover Border of a non-primary hovered button "1px solid #adadad"
padding-buttons "6px 12px;"
min-width-buttons "initial"
shadow-buttons "none"
color-button Default color for buttons "#eaeaea"
color-button-hover Default hover color for buttons "#eaeaea"
color-fg-buttons-primary Foreground color of a primary button "white"
color-bg-buttons-primary Background color of a primary button "color-primary"
color-fg-buttons-primary-hover Foreground color of a primary hovered button "white"
color-bg-buttons-primary-hover Background color of a primary hovered button "color-primary"
color-fg-buttons-default Foreground color of non-primary buttons color-main-fg
color-bg-buttons-default Background color of non-primary buttons white
color-fg-buttons-default-hover Foreground color of non-primary hovered buttons color-main-fg
color-bg-buttons-default-hover Background color of non-primary hovered buttons #e6e6e6
height-form-controls Default height of form elements, such as input fields "34px"
border-radius-form-controls Border radius of form elements, such as input fields "4px"


Applies to the component that can be used to input math formulas.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
width-max Maximum width for the formula editor "700px"
border-palette-buttons Border for the subpalette buttons "initial"
border-radius The border radius for the bottom left and right corner border-radius
border-radius-palette-buttons Border radius for the subpalette buttons "3px"
color-sub-palette Color for the sub-palette: the lower part of the editor where the buttons for symbols are located "#777777"
color-tab-hover Color when hovering over a palette tab "#999999"
color-light-bg Background color for the instruction/help area "#efefef"
color-full-palette-heading Color for the headings between categories in the full palette "#eaeaea"
color-tab-fg Foreground color for the tabs "white"
color-palette-buttons-fg Foreground color for the subpalette buttons "#333333"
color-palette-buttons-bg Background color for the subpalette buttons "white"
placeholder-color-main Color of the squares in tab buttons "#eeeeee"
placeholder-color-sub Color of the squares in subpalette buttons "#bbb"


An interaction object wraps a question type (like Multistep, Math Table, etc) and optionally an instruction element.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
padding-instruction The padding of the instruction element "0px"
margin-bottom-instruction The vertical margin between the instruction element and the interaction "0px"
border-instruction The border specification of the instruction element "none"
border-radius-instruction-top The top border radius of the instruction element border-radius
border-radius-instruction-bottom The top border radius of the instruction element border-radius
color-instruction-bg The background color of the instruction element "transparent"


Applies to the "Multistep" interaction type.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
width-max Maximum width for the widget "700px"
color-worksheet-bg Background color for the math input and derivation area (the "worksheet") of the multistep "#f0f7ff"
border-worksheet "2px solid var(--akit-color-primary)"
color-input-border Color for the line to the left of the input area "#25c8c7"
color-hover Color for buttons ("submit", "hint", etc.) when hovered over "#acc7e7"
color-cell-description Foreground (text) color for cell description text "#darkgray"
color-buttons-fg color-primary
color-buttons-fg-hover color-primary
color-buttons-fg-disabled color-primary
color-buttons-bg "#f0f7ff"
color-buttons-bg-hover "#acc7e7"
color-buttons-bg-disabled "#f0f7ff"
opacity-buttons-disabled "0.5"
border-buttons "1px solid var(--akit-color-primary)"
border-buttons-hover "1px solid var(--akit-color-primary)"
border-buttons-disabled "1px solid var(--akit-color-primary)"
border-radius-buttons border-radius-buttons
border-hint-line "2px solid var(--akit-color-hint)"
color-hint-label color-hint
color-hint-expr "inherit"
color-hint-main color-hint
color-hint-detail correct-hint-detail
Error feedback
border-fb-line "2px solid var(--akit-color-error)"
color-fb-label color-error
color-fb-expr "inherit"
color-fb-main color-error
color-fb-detail color-error-detail


Applies to the "Multiple Choice" interaction type.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
color-option-fg Color of content in options var(--akit-color-main-fg)
color-option-bg Background color of options #f7fafa
color-option-bg-hover Background color of hovered options #ccc
color-option-bg-selected Background color of selectedoptions #c6eeff
color-box-fg Font color in checkboxes var(--akit-color-main-fg)
color-box-bg Background color of checkboxes white
color-box-bg-hover Background color of checkboxes in hovered options white
color-box-bg-selected Background color of checkboxes in selected options white
color-option-correct Font color for correct options var(--akit-color-correct)
color-option-correct-bg Background color for correct options var(--akit-color-correct-bg)
color-box-correct Font color for correct checkboxes var(--akit-color-correct)
color-box-correct-bg Background color for correct var(--akit-color-correct-bg)
color-option-error Font color for incorrect options var(--akit-color-error)
color-option-error-bg Background color for incorrect options var(--akit-color-error-bg)
color-box-error Font color for incorrect checkboxes var(--akit-color-error)
color-box-error-bg Background color for incorrect options var(--akit-color-error-bg)
border-box Border of checkboxes 1px solid var(--akit-color-main-fg)
border-box-hover Border of checkboxes in hovered options var(--akit-choice-border-box)
border-box-selected Border of checkboxes in selected options var(--akit-choice-border-box)
border-option Border for options 1px solid #ccc
border-option-hover Border of hovered options var(--akit-choice-option-box)
border-option-selected Border of selected options var(--akit-choice-option-box)
border-radius-option Border radius for options var(--akit-border-radius)
border-radius-box Border radius for checkboxes. Applies to multiple-select only) 8px
spacing-options Vertical distance between options 8px
spacing-box-content Horizontal distance between option box and content 2em
padding-option-vertical Vertical padding around content in options 8px
padding-option-horizontal Horizontal padding in options 8px
size-box Height and width of checkboxes 24px
min-height-option Minimum height of options 32px
font-weight-box Font weight in checkboxes bold


Applies to the elements that are shown when Algebrakit supplies error feedback.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
border The border of the element "1px solid #e59999"
padding-vertical Top and bottom padding for the element "8px"
padding-horizontal Left and right padding for the element "8px"


Applies to the worked solutions that Algebrakit can show.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
color-derivation-bg The background color of the derivation "transparent"
color-step-bg Background color for an expanded step "#f0f7ff"
shadow-step The shadow around an expanded step "0 3px 5px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 15%)"
color-arrow The color of the arrow that is shown on the left side of an expanded step "#646464"


Applies to the "Geometry and Graphs" interaction type.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
color-support-1 Additional color used in the geometry widget "#034655"
color-support-2 Additional color used in the geometry widget "#777777"


Applies to the Multistep interaction that are used inline.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
cell-description Foreground (text) color for cell description text "darkgray"


Applies to the "Table" interaction.

All options from general can be used here.

Property Description Default
color-arrows Color of the (optional) arrows above and below the table "firebrick"
color-fb-main Color of main line of error feedback color-error
color-fb-detail Color of subcaption of error feedback color-error-detail


Applies to the "Open Answer" interaction.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
color-give-up-review Foreground (text) color indicating an open answer exercise that was "given up" "gray"


Applies to the calculator utility that can be activated when doing exercises.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
color-minor-btn "#777777"
border-radius border-radius
border-spec "0px solid transparent"

Styling the authoring components

The following styling options are only applicable to the authoring tools used outside of our CMS.


These rules are applied generally within the exercise editor.

All options from general can be used here. Additionally, the following options apply:

Property Description Default
color-inactive-bg Color of an non-active tab in the exercise editor "eeeeee"
border-radius border-radius
color-inactive-bg "#eeeeee"
color-bg-header "#f6f6f6"
border-header "1px solid #ccc;"
color-fg-settings-button "white"
color-bg-settings-button exercise-editor-color-secondary
color-step-buttons-active exercise-editor-color-secondary
color-bg-balloon-title "#dddddd"
color-fg-balloon-title "#333333"
border-balloon-title "1px solid #ccc"
color-bg-task-selector exercise-editor-color-primary
color-fg-task-selector white
color-fg-summary "white"
color-bg-summary exercise-editor-color-secondary
color-bg-summary-hover "#ddd !important"
border-bottom-summary "none"
border-collapsable-content "2px solid var(--akit-exercise-editor-color-bg-summary)"
border-hr-step-buttons "1px solid var(--akit-exercise-editor-color-secondary);"


Applies to the text editor that allows an author to specify text content, such as instructions, hints and error feedback.

All options from general can be used here.

Property Description Default
border-single-block-editor "1px solid #c0c0c0"